Title X Family Planning Program
EveryStep’s Title X (10) Family Planning program, made available through Iowa HHS (Iowa Health and Human Services), is offered to eligible individuals in Polk, Dallas, Madison and Warren counties.
The services you want, in the comfort of home.
To ensure family planning resources are accessible to all who need them, EveryStep brings its free or low-cost family planning services, education, testing and counseling to you in the comfort of your home or location of choice – when it’s convenient for you. For most services, you don’t have to worry about the time and expense of arranging transportation to a clinic.
Plus, EveryStep’s local staff interpreters are available upon request, and at no cost, to ensure language is not a barrier and clients can get answers to their questions and concerns.
What services do you offer?
EveryStep offers a variety of family planning services, health education and resources, wellness tests and screenings, as well as preventative health services. If you are eligible to enroll in EveryStep’s Family Planning program, most of your basic family planning services will be paid for. All provided services are kept confidential.
Family Planning Services
• Contraception.
• Pregnancy testing and counseling.
• Preconception counseling to achieve pregnancy.
• STI prevention, testing and treatment for client and partner(s).
• HIV testing and referral.
Please note: While abortion services are not offered, all options counseling can be discussed.

Health Education & Resources
• Reproductive life planning.
• Education about the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS.
• Education about the impact of lifestyle choices on reproductive health and outcomes.
• Education about abstinence and making responsible sexual decisions.
• Education about natural family planning methods.
• Education about the importance of preventive health screenings.
• How to plan a healthy pregnancy (preconception planning).
• How to talk with parents and others about sexuality.
Wellness Tests & Screenings
While EveryStep does not conduct annual [reproductive health] exams, our staff can connect you with a primary care provider. EveryStep offers the following tests, services and screenings:
• Health assessment history and vitals
• Birth control supplies
• Tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infection
• Tests for high blood pressure
• Pregnancy tests.
• Referral to a clinic for infertility exams and counseling.
How do I get started?
Step #1: Contact EveryStep’s Intake team at 515-558-9946 or intake@everystep.org and ask for connection to EveryStep’s Family Planning program. Or complete the form below to verify your eligibility.
EveryStep honors client confidentiality and privacy. Let us know how you’d like to receive communications regarding your services; we will honor your requests.
Eligibility Criteria
To receive EveryStep’s family planning services, you must be of reproductive age and be able to receive a visit from EveryStep staff within Polk, Dallas, Madison or Warren counties.
• If you are eligible for Medicaid or the Iowa HHS’ (Iowa Health and Human Services) Family Planning Program, most services will be 100% covered. (See list of covered birth control options, below.)
• If you need help finding insurance, ask for EveryStep’s Family Planning program at 515-558-9946 or complete the form below to learn more.
Step #2: After confirming your eligibility, an EveryStep nurse will schedule a visit with you in your home (or other location that offers privacy). Your nurse will:
- Complete a health history assessment and talk with you about your needs.
- Collect your vitals (blood pressure, weight, etc.) and any other needed assessments (such as self-administered STI swabs or urine samples).
- Provide you with health education.
- Provide or schedule requested services.
- Follow up with visits from the nurse, as needed.
What types of birth control are covered?
• Birth Control Implants (such as Implanon)
• Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
• Birth Control Pills, including Plan B
• Depo-Provera shots
• Vaginal rings
• Condoms
• Basal thermometer
This project is supported by the Office of Population Affairs of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $125,978 with 100 percent funded by OASH. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by OASH or the U.S. Government. Click here for more information.
Get Started with EveryStep’s Title X Family Planning Program
After you complete and submit the form below, our team will reach out to you within two business days to discuss next steps.