Healthy Start
We provide support throughout your pregnancy and beyond.
Healthy Start & Empowerment provides case management to families in Polk County who are pregnant or have a child up to the age of six. Services include the following:
- Home visits.
- Prenatal, postpartum and parenting education.
- Child development screenings and education.
- Prenatal depression screenings and referrals.
- Support groups.
- Referrals to community resources and support in accessing services.
View the brochure Ver el folleto en Español aqui
Referrals can be made by a physician, social worker, family member or friend. Individuals may also self-refer. To request more information about Healthy Start and to see if you qualify, call (515) 558-9946 or fill out the form below.
Las derivaciones pueden ser hechas por un médico, trabajador social, familiar o amigo. Los individuos también pueden autorreferirse. Para solicitar más información sobre Healthy Start y ver si califica, llame al (515) 558-9946 o complete el formulario a continuación.