How EveryStep's Family Support Services Make a Difference

child with two women

A fact sheet about family support services created by the Pew Research Center concludes the benefits of these programs far outweigh the cost to taxpayers. Based on a variety of research, Pew found that family support services like those provided by EveryStep help build healthy families by reducing health care costs, increasing family self-sufficiency and providing support to parents as they build a safe and stimulating environment for their children to grow and learn.

Quality family support services are guided by the nationally-adopted Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support. Building upon these standards, the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) identifies five protective factors for family health. EveryStep’s slate of care and support programs and services addresses these factors and helps grow healthy families in the community, contributing to a healthier state.

1. Parental resilience.

All parents experience stress, but for some in our community, the pressure is so overwhelming that their ability to cope is compromised. Unexpected events like job loss, individual experiences like trauma, or societal conditions like poverty can all affect a person’s ability to “bounce back.” Parental resilience is the ability to manage stress and function well even when faced with difficult challenges. Parents who are resilient are more likely to have a healthy family.

Josselyn is a domestic violence survivor who came to the Des Moines area from Guatemala about a year ago. Pregnant and with a 5-year-old daughter, Josselyn was introduced to EveryStep, which has supported the family by providing an interpreter to help her navigate government systems and make doctor appointments. Josselyn says simply having the interpreter available to assist has made her feel more confident and secure. “From the moment I received help from EveryStep, I’ve been given huge support with items and with being supportive of me in my situation,” says Josselyn.

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2. Social connections.

Constructive and supportive social connections help parents and those planning a family have a greater sense of well-being and lower levels of anger, anxiety and depression. EveryStep’s pregnancy and parenting classes allow individuals to share their successes and challenges with others experiencing the same things. EveryStep is also there to create connections when grief touches a family’s life.

Amber and Jake Trammell lost one pregnancy in miscarriage and were thrilled to learn Amber was pregnant again about a year later. When their son was stillborn, Amber and Jake mourned, but about six months later, Amber realized she needed help dealing with her grief. She attended Little Footprints, a grief support group offered by EveryStep’s Amanda the Panda program, which is specifically focused on pregnancy and infant loss. She found a safe place to speak openly about her loss. “There’s this stigma around talking about your babies that have passed away. People who haven’t gone through it are uncomfortable with it. But in the group, I was able to talk about my child in a way that only others who have gone through it understand.” Amber says EveryStep’s grief support group has created lifelong connections.

3. Concrete support in times of need.

Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes. Many can rely on family for parenting advice or a little cash when it’s needed. But that’s not the case for everyone. An unexpected job loss, illness or change in transportation options puts some parents who are otherwise working toward building a healthy family on the precipice of homelessness, or the ability to buy groceries or pay other essential bills. EveryStep is there to provide concrete support during these times of critical need.

Bernarda, a Latina mother, has been in the U.S. for 11 years. She and her husband share three daughters. Though her husband is employed, inflation has made it more difficult to pay for nearly everything. EveryStep’s Stork’s Nest, where Bernarda can “purchase” items like diapers, wipes, safety supplies and more with the points she earns by engaging in positive parenting activities has made a difference in balancing her budget. “When I receive all these things through [Stork’s Nest], I don’t have to spend out of my pocket, and that’s a lot of help because I need the money for other things.”

Faida was a full-time student living with her mother in Des Moines when she learned she was pregnant and that her son would require brain surgery as a newborn. EveryStep was with her during her pregnancy, providing support as she prepared physically and emotionally for her son’s birth. Baby Joseph was born at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, and underwent brain surgery immediately. Faida’s mother stayed with her in Iowa City while the baby recovered. Because neither was able to work during the baby’s hospitalization, the EveryStep Foundation provided concrete support by paying bills that piled up. The Foundation’s financial assistance also helped Faida when there was no heat in the home and a hole in the ceiling needed repair.

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4. Knowledge of parenting and child development.

No parent knows everything about parenting. Everyone learns as they go, often with the support of nearby family. Research has shown that early childhood lays the critical foundation for healthy development. Knowing what to expect and what a child needs not only helps a parent feel more secure in their role, but it also helps build healthy individuals and families.

Kylie is a young mother without nearby extended family. She and her husband found EveryStep’s programs helpful while Kylie was pregnant and now, as their toddler Violet ages. “I knew some of the milestones, but I didn’t know which month they were supposed to happen,” says Kylie. “It’s hard being a first-time mom because everything that happens has never happened before, so knowing that I’m doing things right gives me reassurance.”

5. Social and emotional competence of children.

Childhood sets the stage for later health, well-being and learning. Creating an environment where children feel safe to express their emotions is one way children build emotional competence.

EveryStep’s Amanda the Panda school-based grief groups prioritize the emotional well-being of students. Vanissa Spencer helps coordinate EveryStep’s in-school support groups in rural areas. “There are many losses that students are going through, including the death of a loved one, caregivers being incarcerated, removal of caregiver custody, deportation of a caregiver, divorce of caregivers — we address all these issues in our support groups.” Because EveryStep’s student grief support groups are held at school, students can share their stories with other students in a familiar, comfortable setting. “They are developing peer connections in an environment where they are spending a great deal of time, learning they are not alone in their grief, and developing coping strategies for navigating the wide arrange of emotions they are experiencing.”

We all face challenges, but some people in our community are coping with more difficult circumstances. EveryStep shows up when people need us most, no matter who they are or what circumstances they face, with programs and services that help build health families.

The diversity of EveryStep’s programs helps meet a variety of needs at once, and ongoing support over time. You have the power to help those who are struggling in our community.

Your Gift Can Fund More Positive Outcomes

Together, donors like you can help build a caring, connected community that surrounds children and adults with comfort, dignity and hope — but also practical solutions and a renewed capacity for self-determination. Your support for parents impacts the whole community.

If you or someone you know is struggling to find the support they need, please contact EveryStep at 515-558-9946 or complete the commitment-free, confidential “Find Care” form on EveryStep’s website here. EveryStep staff will follow up with a phone call to answer your questions and help.