Helping Immigrants Build Healthy Families: Josselyn's Story

Josselyn and her daughter, Carla

Domestic violence is one of the ways women can be affected by health disparities. Research published in 2021 found that immigrant women are often reluctant to disclose their experiences because their culture considers family harmony the responsibility of the female. When they do seek assistance, it’s often informally through non-governmental, community-based organizations.

When a domestic violence survivor has children, the situation becomes more complicated, as the woman is not only seeking safety, but resources for her family as well. In these situations, EveryStep can provide family support services to build healthy families.

Learn More About EveryStep’s Work in the Community

Josselyn Barco is a new immigrant to Iowa, arriving from Guatemala about eight months ago. She is pregnant and has a 5-year-old daughter, Carla. They found refuge in a domestic violence shelter until they were able to find a more stable home in which to live.

"I thank God every day for EveryStep and the help I’ve received, especially during this hard time I’ve been dealing with."

Josselyn was introduced to EveryStep and paired with a case manager to help her navigate government systems and provide critical support for her family.

“I’ve received a lot of support from EveryStep,” says Josselyn through an interpreter. “She has helped with diapers and baby kits for my pregnancy, and has helped me make doctor appointments for my pregnancy.” Josselyn says simply having an EveryStep interpreter available to assist as she cares for herself and her daughter has made her feel more confident and secure.

“From the moment that I received help from EveryStep, I’ve been given a lot of huge support with items, and also with being supportive of me in my situation,” says Josselyn. One way EveryStep supports her is through Stork’s Nest, an educational incentive program offered by EveryStep for new and expecting moms in Polk County. Participants earn points for healthy behaviors like keeping medical appointments and WIC participation. Moms like Josselyn can then redeem points for needed baby items like diapers, clothing, strollers, cribs and car seats. Parenting and prenatal classes are also available to help build healthy families.

Connect with EveryStep

Josselyn says she has shared her experiences with EveryStep with friends she made while living in the domestic violence shelter. She wants them to receive the same kind of support she has found.

“I thank God every day for EveryStep and the help I’ve received, especially during this hard time I’ve been dealing with,” says Josselyn.

You have the power to help Josselyn and others who are struggling in your community. Together, donors like you can help build a caring, connected community that surrounds children and adults with comfort, dignity and hope — but also practical solutions and a renewed capacity for self-determination. Your support for parents impacts the whole community.

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We all face difficult moments in life. The outcome depends on whether we have compassionate care and support along the way — the type that EveryStep provides.

If you or someone you know is struggling to find the support they need, please contact EveryStep at 515-558-9946 or complete the commitment-free, confidential “Find Care” form here. EveryStep staff will follow up with a phone call to answer your questions and help.