February 26, 2019
Acts of Kindness for the Heart and From the Heart
Random Acts of Kindness for the Heart...
February always brings matters of the heart to mind: Valentine’s Day, American Heart Month, and National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about women and heart disease. By being alert to the signs and symptoms of a heart problem, you can help the people you love. Some of the common signs include:
• Ordinary physical activity causes the individual to feel undue fatigue, heart palpitations, difficult or labored breathing or chest pain. These may be indications of a cardiovascular problem – including heart disease. Left untreated, these symptoms may lead to a heart attack.
• The American Heart Association shares the following warning signs of a heart attack:
- Discomfort in the center of the chest lasting more than a few minutes, or which goes away and returns. It may feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.
- Pain or discomfort in other upper body areas, such as one or both arms, neck, back or stomach
- Shortness of breath, with or without chest discomfort.
- Other indicators include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness. Women are somewhat more likely than men to experience shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.
If you notice any of these symptoms, urge your loved one to see a healthcare provider as soon as possible.
...and from the Heart.
February is also the time for celebrating Random Acts of Kindness week. What better time to celebrate kindness than during a month we’re already thinking with our hearts. Gather your thoughts and choose things you can do to show random kindness, year-round. Here are some ideas to help you get started.
February is also the time for celebrating Random Acts of Kindness week. What better time to celebrate kindness than during a month we’re already thinking with our hearts. Gather your thoughts and choose things you can do to show random kindness, year-round. Here are some ideas to help you get started.
February is also the time for celebrating Random Acts of Kindness week. What better time to celebrate kindness than during a month we’re already thinking with our hearts. Gather your thoughts and choose things you can do to show random kindness, year-round. Here are some ideas to help you get started.
Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness:
- Bake your favorite cookies for a neighbor or family caregiver.
- Let the person in line behind you go ahead of you.
- Leave happy notes around town.
- Babysit for a single mom for free.
- Sit next to someone who is sitting alone at lunch.
- Help an elderly neighbor take out the trash or scoop their snow.
- Write your siblings a note about how much you appreciate them.
- Leave your server a generous tip
- Leave a thank you note in the mailbox addressed to the mail carrier.
- Send a card to someone serving in the military.
- Hold the door open for someone.
- Give a fancy chocolate bar to the bus driver.
- Donate warm coats or blankets to the homeless shelter.
- Send a loved one a “thinking of you” note.
- Leave a gift of something you made (scarf, picture frame, or other craft) on a neighbor’s porch.
- Compliment at least five people. (be original)
- Surprise some friends with dinner. (drop it off, don’t stay)
- Find someone who looks like she’s had a bad day and give her a gift card. ($5 for coffee or ice-cream would make anyone’s day!)
- Go through the drive-thru and pay for the car behind you.
- Donate gently used toys to a charity.
- Put together and give away homeless bags.
- Smile at everyone you see.
- Thank a police officer for his or her service.
- Go sit and talk with a friend who has been having a tough time.
- Grab some groceries for an ill friend.
And, make sure you do something nice for yourself, too!
Need help for yourself or someone in your care? For more information, call us at (855) 867-4692 or click here for more about hospice EveryStep Hospice or home care options EveryStep Home Care. EveryStep’s hospice and home care programs provide care and support to patients, family members and their caregivers through chronic or serious illness, recovery or rehabilitation. Our experienced and compassionate staff can assist family caregivers in understanding the importance of nutrition, exercise, social ties, mental and spiritual health, and how all these things can contribute to wellbeing for individuals of all ages.